Tuesday, November 18, 2014

19 november--the ins and outs

When it looks like this outside--I just took this pic...

...the dog comes indoors and does this after a walk!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

the boxes are done

You can see grandma's chicken (that you had to repair) sitting atop a piece of the old carpet from the library where I worked at NIU. This was the odd fifth box. I didn't have any idea what to do with it, so it is in the corner for the time being.

This is the set of shelves I got at IKEA. You can get them in all dimensions from 1x1 all the way up to 4x4. They are ideal for records and very popular with people who play records.

Two more of the boxes I made. I haven't decided what to put in there yet.

One of my new boxes on top of the 32yo box that Jim Stamp helped me make back in 1982.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014

more cars! more asshats!!

Right now, here are more cars over there than I could get in one photo. No kidding. And they keep coming. I knew I was in for hell when they put a sign in the yard with their name on it.

Rx medication HAS to be better than self-medication, doesn't it????

Thursday, July 31, 2014

lake? what lake??

the kids are elsewhere, but these are just a few of the ppl who sit at "the house" and drink and raise hell. personally, i'd rather sit on the opposite side of the house and see the lake. but maybe they want a tan or they are just too drunk to be able to find the lake.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


So this is the gathering of jackasses from Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, and parts unknown.

They don't go to the lake. Instead, they camp all day (and cook) in the driveway. It must be better than the trailer parks where they started out.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


This is how the yard in back of the cop's vacation house looks today. I doubt that they ever suspected that there would be snow on their patio furniture.

Friday, April 11, 2014

deep in the forest

This is in the backyard of the aunt's house. Again sniffing around...

At one end of this dead log, she found something and started to growl and bark.

So maybe something was living in this hollowed-out log?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

non-verbal messages

I turned around and the dog was looking at me like this. Just resting on the floor.

Remember the snow? It could be back!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

do you have room?

You can probably tell that her tail was wagging when I got this photo. She does that a lot.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

April Five 2014 pics

This is just across the street from grandma's house. Right in the center of the photo, you can see the last big patch of snow on the ground. It's where the earth must be a little colder. This snow does not melt.

This is a garage in front of one of the lake houses. For months, the snow in front of these garage doors was 3-4 feet deep--due to snowfall and plowing. Now it is all but gone.

This is easily the most disheveled lake house. It could use some work--I think!

This is the first weekend that we could actually see the water on the lake. This is one of the better views from the street. The lake houses are built so close together, there's not a lot of space for a picture.

The dog, sniffing the leaves. She loves to "investigate" things on the ground or even in the road. She is very curious sometimes.

These are the junk newspapers I wrote about earlier.

The front of the garage. Last of the snow until next winter--I hope!!!

More trash newspapers. This is right next to where we live. The mailbox stand on the left was for Shirley's sister-in-law's house, next to us. She doesn't live there anymore, but the mail kept coming. So her children removed the box. If only that had stopped the junk papers...

The mailbox that got plowed over this winter during snow clearing. It's about 50 yards up the road from us.